Saturday, October 31, 2009

An Elusive Peacock Emerges

This costume was a big hit this year. We received lots of compliments on it but it wasn't the easiest get up. Miraculously I found the dress at TJ Maxx so that part was easy but it needed a mask and tail. We were lucky in knowing someone who owned peacocks and she generously gave us a bundle of the most beautiful feathers! This would have been very pricey otherwise!
I purchased a plastic mask and first covered it in the cheap white feathers from the craft store. If I had to do this again, I would use blue or green feathers. Then I used peacock feathers on top of those. It turned out very pretty!

Next I had to figure out how we could make the feathers stand up in the back and yet be able to get into the car without getting crushed. I decided to use Duct Tape to sandwich the feathers in place after placing them in a small arc with the prettiest parts the most visible. This way I was able to use safety pins to attach them to the dress. But this created an unattractive look in the back. I needed something to cover the tape so I made a sash. This worked out well and was fairly comfortable.Here she is under the black light. Freaky!

1 comment:

  1. What about her leeeeg?

    Really cute, you did a great job.
