Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Baby Curls For A Little Longer

Both of my babies were born with lots of hair. So fun! Katherine was 4 years old when she had her first haircut and then only because the ends looked so bad.

Charlie's hair has been eventful this year. He was born with a beautiful head of dark hair.

However, most of it fell out at 3 months old.

The curls on the top of his head down the back did not fall out. Surprisingly, hair grew back quite a bit lighter in color.

I was able to style it with hair gel into a mo-hawk for months but lately it's grown too long. It just kind of flops over.

I can't bear to cut off the last of the little curls, yet. I've been told twice now that he needs a haircut. This just makes me more stubborn in putting it off. My new strategy is to try different products to create an "Edward" look.

I know it's a hard style for a 1 year old to pull off but I'm going to try it anyway!

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